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Booking flights with Sahel Travels.

Search for flights, but don’t enter a departure date. Instead, hit “Whole month,” then select “Cheapest month.” You’ll see exactly which days are cheapest to fly out and then return back to United Arab Emirates. Be spontaneous and score a flight deal anywhere! If you know when you want to travel but you’re flexible on where, Everywhere Search shows you the best airfare deals from your chosen location. Simply enter your departure city or airport, select your dates and search “Everywhere.” If you already have a destination and dates in mind, get notified whenever fares go up or down by setting up a Price Alert.
Sometimes it’s worth waiting until the last minute to see if airlines reduce the price of unsold seats on their flights – but this can be a gamble. Here are some ways to score a great flight deal a week or two before flying using our flight search: If you just want a vacation but don’t care where, search flights to “Everywhere” for the best flight deals and offers to any destination in the near future. If you have a destination in mind and want to find the best deals for flights for the next few weeks, choose “Whole month” when you search then select the upcoming month to find the cheapest day to fly.
If you’ve got a trip in mind but you’re not ready to book, there’s no pressure. You can keep an eye on prices in two ways. Set up a Price Alert – we’ll watch flight prices for you, and let you know via email if they go up or down.
Once you select your flight, you’ll book directly with one of our airline or travel partners, usually on their site. Your flight booking confirmation email and all the other info you’ll need will come from them. Or if you book directly with Sahel Travels, we’ll send you your booking confirmation via email. If you’ve booked directly, you can check your account on our website or app to see the details of your booking. You can also get in touch with our dedicated Customer Care team if you need any help.
Your flight booking confirmation email and all the other info you’ll need will come from the airline or provider you booked with. If you have any follow-up questions about your booking, or want to change or cancel your flight, you’ll need to get in touch with them.

Yes! You can use the same magic that powers our flight search to find your perfect stay anywhere.

You can also use Sahel Travels to search for and compare cheap car rentals in seconds, then pick up your wheels from the airport as soon as you touch down.

If you set up a Price Alert, we’ll watch the price of plane tickets for you, and let you know via email or push notification via the app if they go up or down.

We understand how important it is to have flexible vacation plans. Sometimes, you can pay an extra fee for an amendable airline ticket, so look out for this option as you book. You can also look for hotels and car rental options with free cancellation, so you can book now and amend or even cancel later if you need to.
Yes – since we began showing carbon emission info on flights where it’s available, over 100 million travelers have found a plane ticket with lower emissions for their route.

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